Sunday, March 13, 2011

They are animals


I don't know about you, but the last time I saw a lion lighting himself on fire or an elephant jumping out of a 12 story building was like ..... ummm never, so quite frankly i don't understand the meaning behind the New Wranglers "We are animals" tagline. However that's not to say that i don't like or appreciate it. Because I do. :) seriously I cannot say that any other Wranglers campaigns specifically caught my attention. This one does. Who doesn't like the thrill of watching people get glass in the face and being showered down by fire extinguishers? Sign me up! .... (I'm just kidding. i would never risk my life for the purpose of a 30 sec advertisment that people will more than likely forget 15 seconds afterwards. ) 

Could you see this advertisement being successful had photography never been introduced?.... I think not! We will continue to see more and more eye engaging, shocking, irrational, and out of the box ideas as more and more brands attempt to break thought the clutter and gain their title of supremacy.

Straun, John."Wranglers we are animals "stunt" campaign. SuperPunch. 2011.13 March. 2011.<>

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